Set XDebug Coverage For Laravel

Ariel Mejia

March 28th, 2022 - 1 min read

Laravel 9 implement a new feature added by Nuno Maduro to get code coverage, the command is php artisan test --coverage

This post explains how to set xdebug locally in a MacOS environment

Check that you have installed Xdebug

In your local environment you can run

php -v

You should be able to see the PHP version, but also more data like xdebug version installed locally

Shell Screen Showing XDebug Details

If you have not installed XDEBUG here you would find How to install xdebug

Get PHP.ini file location

Then to check the php.ini file location (it changes from different php versions) run

php --ini

In the second line the php.ini file location

Shell Screen Showing php.ini File Details

Set Xdebug mode

Grab the file location and edit the php.ini file:

## Command to open files with vscode... it is easier
code /usr/local/etc/php/8.0/php.ini
## or
nano /usr/local/etc/php/8.0/php.ini

Then add at the very bottom this line:


Now you are able to run

php artisan test --coverage

and it should work and return a test coverage output

Shell Screen Showing Test Coverage Output in a Laravel App

Excluding Framework files

The test --coverage command would return a percentage of coverage, in order to exclude this files to just test your own code implementations in phpunit.xml file

<coverage processUncoveredFiles="true">
        <directory suffix=".php">./app</directory>
        <directory suffix=".php">./app/Macros</directory>

Thanks for reading! and may the code coverage be with you

Ariel Mejia Illustration

Ariel Mejia

Laravel Senior Developer

Engineer with 7+ years of experience working in backend & frontend technologies
Open Source Maintainer of packages for Laravel community.

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